Friday, June 06, 2008

time for a break

You know you need a holiday when:

1. You are getting through work faster than you thought, so you go and ask your supervisor for more.

2. In a lecture/seminar, you drift off and spend five minutes looking around the room wondering what animal each person would be. (The lecturer: a shaggy dog.)

3. You hear a history in-joke like "What? We don't have to look at primary sources at postgrad level, do we?" and fall about hysterically laughing.

4. On a similar vein, you start collecting historical insults: eg "I can see you haven't read Foucault."

5. You start fantasising about being able to ignore all other essays/seminars/assignments and just hunker down somewhere working on your thesis day-in, day-out.


Anonymous said...

"I can see you haven't read Foucault." I'm going to say this three times today & smile smugly & then laugh through my nose.

Anonymous said...

now i'm wondering what kind of animal i'd be. hmm. i'm in need of a vacation, too! :) have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

must. not. take. break.

even. on. long. weekend.

must. catch. rupert. penry. jones. in. persuasion. first....mmmm

E. said...

Contrary to the post title, I think you're doing quite fabulously right where you are---it's a novel I'd read! Snarky Foucault references? Brilliant.

E. said...

Oh! Your new banner. So much love.

Anonymous said...

ok you win. rpj was dee-vine but this version of persuasion leaves a lot to be desired. a lot. shame really....

Trish Ryan said...

I owned Foucault at one point for a grad program. The cover was lovely, as I recall, but the first page made me need a vacation.

I think Foucault was a basset hound.

LEstes65 said...

I love the history in jokes and insults. I have similar jokes that only other dorky math/computer people get. And they're not even that funny to THEM.

Go get a vacation, girl. Come to Texas.