Sunday, June 11, 2006

the bird in the commerce building

I hope you can see this; he was about to hop under the table.

High up, sitting neatly above people's heads while they drank their coffee... I was waiting for someone to get bird droppings on them - but unfortunately no.

This little bird was in Cafe 101 in my university's commerce building the other day; I think she and her mate live inside now, having once come through the sliding doors and never quite figuring out how to get out. They seem quite happy!


Patty said...

"I was waiting for someone to get bird droppings on them - but unfortunately no." are quite evil! :D ...but so am i for laughing at that & knowing i'd most likely be waiting for the same thing. :D

have the birds ever knocked anyone's food over or something?

Manuel Tendero Gil said...

una gran foto sigue a si muy bien