Saturday, September 02, 2006


Some of the railway workers were very interested in the train. :)
A local boy riding his bike up and down the side of the tracks while the train waited to go.
Leaving the station, with a scream of the horn and huge puffs of black smoke.
The driver.

This morning I got up early and went with my dad to the train station to see a steam engine take off to Arthur's Pass. They've started doing this every two months, apparently, instead of the normal modern engines. I've never been into trains and machines and things like the boys in my family tend to, but steam engines are pretty cool bits of machinery really, and my grandfather used to drive one, so I found it pretty interesting! Lots of good photo opportunities too! My father was disappointed because it was a J engine and not a K engine (whatever that means) but he still enjoyed himself very much. I don't think males ever grow up in some particulars.


Patty said...

hey, allie, this is great! especially love the second to last image, with the smoke rising! sorry i haven't been able to comment here lately, but i still visit, even though i may not comment for a while. neat about your grandfather. i've no idea either about J vs. K.

take care

Anonymous said...

ahhh the great steam engine .. a marvellous locomotive