Saturday, September 02, 2006

halfway down the stairs

As you may or may not know, I am the senior fiction editor for a writing e-zine called Halfway Down the Stairs. We have just published our third biannual issue! Yippee! The theme is "Kaleidoscope". Check it out; I like it a lot. We have a new website design that looks very cool, in my humble opinion, and of course, the writing is of the highest standard. :)

If anyone who reads this is a writer, our next issue will be themed "Earth, Air, Fire, Water" and we accept outside submissions!


pilgrimchick said...

I just combed through the website there--that looks like a great publication and the writing is great--I looked through some of the stories I thought sounded interesting. I like the idea of allowing non-published, talented writers to get some air time with compellations like this one. There are a few that come out now and again in New England, but most of them are connected with a certain University or College, and rarely do they consider submissions from folks who are either non-students or non-alumni. Maybe I'll get insprired and send something in, but I doubt I'll be that motivated. My loss, though.

Stacy said...

I love the picture of the day, Allie. Very pretty. (And it goes without saying that Halfway Down the Stairs is clearly run by a staff of brunette geniuses.)

Patty said...

the design of Halfway Down the Stairs is very nice. Who took the picture?

I will have to go back and read more whenever I have time. I did read:

Yagmar Falls From the Sky :)


You Don't Really See What You See by Zachary T. Vickers(this would've been better without the bad language, but besides that, I really loved it)

"...and the most dangerous creature was a snail, who left a slippery path behind him."


ari4u said...

Alison, Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comments. I read through the e-zine. Very creative and well written. I like the website too, pretty colors and simple design. Love the stairway picture.

Good luck with your publication and hope to see you around.