Wednesday, March 01, 2006

just a note

Plug time! Halfway Down The Stairs, the writing e-zine I am senior fiction editor for (haha, how grandiose that sounds), has just released its second issue, 'Wanderlust'. Do check it out. This time round we have a variety of poetry, short fiction and non-fiction. I have a short story in it called "Soundtrack Of My Life." I think it's got some fantastic stuff in it this time round that heaps of very different people would like. And if you're an aspiring writer too, we accept submissions--our next publication is in August, and the theme is Kaleidoscope, or Colour. (Kaleidoscope was easier because we all spell 'colour/color' different ways!) And if you submit a short story, I'll be the one who writes the acceptance/rejection email, and I promise I'll be nice, so don't be scared!

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